UCT Law@work and the Securitisation forum of South Africa, once again conducted a very successful 2-day short course in Securitisation on the 13th and 14th of September 2017. The course was held at the offices of Edward Nathan Sonnenberg in Sandton. This is the second time that the course has been held in Johannesburg and record number of registrations were received this year.

Delegates attending were at varying levels in respect of their securitisation experience and despite this the course received very positive reviews from both the experiences and those still honing their skills.

The programme was commenced with an Introduction and overview (what is a securitisation, why securitise,  advantages & objectives, historic overview, key parties, assets capable of being securitised and SPV concepts) which was presented by Angela Itzikowitz      (read more about Angela here) https://www.ensafrica.com/search?type=all&orderBy=first+name&searchTerm=angela+itzikowitz

Angela was then joined by Stephen von Schirnding, in presenting the Legal review of Securitisation (including structural overview, regulatory aspects and transfer of ownership, true sale, security SPV).  Stephen is also a director at ENS https://www.ensafrica.com/search?type=all&orderBy=first+name&searchTerm=stephen+von+schirnding

Next up was Corne Els of Global ratings https://www.linkedin.com/in/corneels/
who presented on Rating assessment (including methodology explanation, credit enhancement and risk mitigation). The day was concluded with a lecture on  the Role of originator, banker, sponsor, administrator presented by Louis Dirker https://www.investec.com/en_za/welcome-to-investec/contact-us/our-offices/johannesburg-office/louis-dirker.html
Louis also ended off the course on day 2 with a practical case study.

On day 2 there was a presentation on Accounting and Tax by Lizelle Fivas, https://www.linkedin.com/in/lizelle-fivaz-22759870/, then the Role of Trustees and Directors & Managing Board meetings by David Towers of Quadridge
( https://www.quadridge.co.za/about/about-us/)  and Rishendrie Thanthony of the TMF group.

The Role of the JSE and listing requirements for securitisation was dealt with by Evelyn Deiner, also of Quadridge https://www.quadridge.co.za/about/about-us/  and just before the case study was presented Jana Kershaw of Ashburton investments dealt with Investor considerations http://www.ashburtoninvestments.com/int/individual-investor/news/insights/article/2014/10/10/team-profiles

A big thank you to all the presenters who worked so tirelessly to make this course a reality.

As a result of the success of the course in 2017, we are pleased to advise that we will be presenting the Securitisation course again in 2018.

Please consult www.lawatwork.uct.ac.za for more details.

Irena Wasserfall
MANAGER – UCT Law@work

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