Membership of the SASF will be open to all professional participants in the securitisation industry (whether individuals or institutions), including issuers, originators, dealers, arranging banks, underwriters and other financial intermediaries, investors, servicers, guarantors, rating agencies, trustees, information technology specialists, lawyers, accountants and academics.

The SASF is currently self-funded through annual membership dues which are determined annually by the Membership Committee and are subject to approval by the Executive Committee before the Annual General Meeting.

Organisations or individuals wishing to apply to become members can contact the secretary, Pat Benbow-Hebbert at

Click here to download the membership application form

> Current Membership

Ashburton Investments
Bayport Securitisation (RF) Limited
BMW Financial Services (SA) (Pty) Limited
Centrafin (Pty) Ltd
Cliffe Dekker Hoymeyr Inc
CMS RM Partners (Pty) Ltd
Deloitte & Touche
Edward Nathan Sonnenberg
Ernst & Young
FirstRand Bank Limited
Hypoport Africa Limited 
Investec Bank Limited
Merchant West Proprietary Limited
Mettle Specialised Finance (Pty) Limited
Nedbank Capital
Ninety One (Pty) Limited
Quadridge Trust Services (Pty) Limited
Quince Capital
SA Home Loans (Pty) Limited
SA Taxi Development Finance (Pty) Ltd
Sanlam Investments
Sasfin Bank Limited
Standard Bank of South Africa Limited
Stonehage Fleming
TMF Corporate Services(South Africa)(Pty)Ltd
TUHF Limited
Webber Wentzel

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